Search Results - Printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate,
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Society of Friends 83
- Doctrines 30
- Quakers 28
- Baptists 7
- History 6
- Inner Light 4
- Persecutions 4
- Politics and government 4
- Tithes 4
- Church and state 3
- Clergy 3
- Conduct of life 3
- Future life 3
- Future punishment 3
- God 3
- Persecution 3
- Quaker authors 3
- Salvation 3
- Anabaptists 2
- Antichrist 2
- Catechisms, English 2
- Christian life 2
- Covenant theology 2
- Early works to 1900 2
- Etiquette 2
- Fall of man 2
- Priesthood 2
- Prophecies 2
- Quskers 2
- Social classes 2
To Charles Fleetvvood, steward, Robert Hatton, recorder: Sackford Gunstone, Henry VVilcock, bailiffs. Being judges in the Court of Kingstone upon Thames. The state of the old contr...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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The popish inquisition newly erected in New-England, whereby their church is manifested to be a daughter of mysterie Babylon, which did drink the blood of the saints, who bears the...
Published 1659“…Printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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To the supream authoritie (under God) of the Common-Wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, the Commons in Parliament assembled.
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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The voice of thunder, or The sound of a trumpet giving a certain sound, saying, Arise ye dead, and come to judgement, the Light, to guide you to judge out the evil, that righteousn...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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An epistle to all the Christian magistrates and powers in the whole Christendom, and professors, and teachers, and Christians that witness the end of the law, and the Levitical pri...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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A few words in answer to the resolves of some who are called independant-teachers, whose gospel and ministry appears to depend upon tythes, or as full a maintenance secured to them...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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One of Antichrists voluntiers defeated, and the true light vindicated. In answer to a book called Ignis fatuus, published by one R.I. Wherein he vindicates Edward Dod, and Samuell...
Published 1660“…printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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To the Parliament of the Comon-Wealth [sic] of England. Fifty nine particulars laid down for the regulating things, and the taking away of oppressing laws, and oppressors, and to e...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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A declaration of the people of God in scorn called Quakers, to all magistrates and people.
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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A right dividing, or a true discerning, shewing the use of the sword, and how and where it is in its place, and what it is to be laid upon. That that is not so much as a figure, th...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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A paper sent forth into the world from them that are scornfully called Quakers declaring the grounds & reasons why they deny the teachers of the world, (who profess themselves to b...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and mouth …”
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From one who was moved of the Lord God to go a sign among the priests & professors of the prophets, Apostles, and Christs Words, but dead from their life, and naked from salvation...
Published 1659“…Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A rod discover'd, found, & set forth to whip the idolaters till they leave off their idolatry (wch yet remains in the rulers of England, their ministers, and the people, who follow...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth, …”
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An equal ballance: wherein the ministers and churches of the Anabaptists (so called) are truly weighed: and by a just and lawful tryal (according to their own confession, whereunto...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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A brief relation of the state of man before transgression: shewing how man transgressed and lost his unity with God, and what the state of man is in the transgression, and how man...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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A declaration from the Lord of Hosts, against the idol shepherds: and the testimony of his spirit of their destruction being near at hand. And also, the glory of the Lord that shal...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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The serious peoples reasoning and speech with the worlds teachers and professors.
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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Blessed openings of a day of good things to the Turks. Written to the heads, rulers, ancients, and elders of their land, and whomsoever else it may concern.
Published 1661“…Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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[A] visition [sic] of love unto all people, (in whose hearts there are any true honest tender desires, begotten towards God and his righteousness,) in what sect or opinion or profe...
Published 1659“…Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near …”
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A vvord to the people of the world, who hates the light, to be witnessed by the light in them all; wherein is shewed unto them, what the light is, which is the condemnation of the...
Published 1659“…printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth …”
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