Search Results - Streets.

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  1. 22341

    Evergreen review reader, 1957-1967 ; a ten-year anthology /

    Published 1968
    “…Standing on a street corner /…”
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  2. 22342

    Schools (Ireland). Return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 29 February 1892;--for, returns,--"(A.) Individual schools. The total grants, per the annual school returns certified by the managers, made by the Irish National Board of Education in the year 1890 to each of the ordinary schools under, (a) Episcopalian Protestant management; (b) Roman Catholic management; (c) Presbyterian management; also, to (d) schools under the management of other denominations; (e) schools under the joint Protestant management of Episcopalians and Presbyterians; or, (f) other Protestant management exclusively; and, (g) schools under the joint management of Protestants and Roman Catholics (exclusive of grants to convent and monastic schools, gaol and workhouse and other (model, &c.) schools): the return to specify,-- (I.) whether the school is under a local committee recognised by the commissioners; and (II.) to give in separate columns for each ordinary school (a) the number on the rolls; (b) the average attendance; (III.) in separate columns, details under the several heads for each ordinary school: (a) salaries, gratuities, premiums to teaching staff, including assistants, monitors, and teachers of needlework; (b) results payments; (c) books and free stock; (IV.) the average cost of each scholar in average daily attendance, calculated on the total of the board's grants; (V.) the amount of local aid raised for each school (a) in school fees; (b) from other sources, including rates and customs and excise payments; (VI.) the average cost of each scholar in average daily attendance, calculated on the total local aid: (B.) Similar return in the case of all convent and monastic schools for the year 1890, for (a) attendances; (b) grants; (c) local aid; (d) average cost per pupil in average daily attendance, computed (a) on the board's grant; (b) on the local aid: (C.) (I.) The total number of ordinary schools for the years 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, with total number of pupils on rolls, and average attendance, with percentage of average attendance to total on rolls; the total amount of grants made, distinguishing (a) results fees; (b) salaries and other payments; and giving the average cost of each pupil in average attendance on the totals of the columns under (a) results fees; (b) salaries, &c.; (II.) (a) Total local aid; and (b) average cost per pupil (in average attendance) on local aid: (D.) Similar return for convent and monastic schools for the same years: (E.) Similar return for the board's model schools for the same years (specific charges for dietary and other residential expenses connected with the training departments of the model schools to be excluded): (F.) Return from the several denominational training colleges in Ireland aided by the board, for each year since their establishment, and ending with the session terminated on the 31st day of August 1890, and showing,-- (I.) the length of the course of training; (a) the total amount of board's grants, and the total certified college expenditure for each session; (b) the total numbers trained (males and females separate); (c) the average cost of each Queen's scholar who completed the course of training in (1) board's grants, (2) total certified college expenditure; (II.) the total number of Queen's scholars for each college who, since completing the final course of training ended on or before the 31st day of August 1890, have obtained charge of national or other public elementary schools in Ireland; (III.) the names, titles, functions, and salaries, &c., of each of the professors appointed on the staffs of these colleges: the return also to include particulars for the principal and for each of the officials of these colleges, and to distinguish lay and clerical: (G.) Corresponding returns for the board's own training college in Marlborough-Street for the five years ending with the 31st day...

    Published 1892
    Online Access
    Electronic eBook
  3. 22343

    A catalogue of a valuable and extensive collection of books Containing many rare and curious articles in the sinest preservation; including the libraries of the Rev. Mr. Spry, of Yardley, Herts; and Dr. Poole, of Lewes, Susse, deceased: and several other collections recently purchased.-among then are folios. Biblia Hebracia, a Kennicot, cor. russ. Nov. Test. Gr. Wetstenii, 2 tom. cor. russ. Diodorus siculus, Wisselingii, 2 tom. Herodotus, Gronovii, Gr. & Lat. Poetæ Græci principes, Stephani Pausanius, Kuhnii, Gr & Lat. Scriptores Historiæ Romanæ, 3 tom. Vitringæ comment. in Jesaim, 2 tom. Virgilii Opera, Burmanni, typis foulis histoire de France, par Mezeray, 3 tom. Museo Florentio con supplemento, 12 vol. Gruteri corpus inscriptionum, Græii, 2 tom. Plinii Historia Nat. Hardaini, 2 tom. Passerii picturæ etruscorum in vasculis stoschii gemmæ antiquæ, cum fig. Wolsangii Theatures universals, 2 tom. avantures de telemaque, aeec fig. Antiche Statue Greeche e Romani, cor. russ: Puteolanæ Antiquitates di pozzuoli morrisons's herbal, 2 tom. Plot's Oxfordshire, best edition, russia drake's york norden's egypt Atkin's Gloucestershire, l. p. russian Morton's history of northamptonshire Burton's leicestershire, russia extra philipot's kent, russia leigh's lancashire somner's antiq. of canterbury camden's britannia, by cough, 3 vol. Peck's stamford Peck's curioso, russia spencce's polymetis, sine impressions Ducarel's Norman antiquities Edmonson's Heraldry, l. p. russia Bayle'd dictioanry, 5 vol. russia Chamber's dictionary, 4 vol. russia Johnson'd dictionary, 2 vol. russia postlethwayte's dictionary, 2 vol. Galmet's dictionary, 3 vol. Richardson's persian dictioanry Gen. Dictionary, 10 vol. best edition James's medical dictioanry, 3 vol. russia Hoffmanni Lexicon, 4 tom, state trials, l. p. 11 m 6, russia tanner's notitia monastica whitlock's memorial, best edition Gullim's Heraldry, best edition ruins of balbeck, by wood Patrick, louth, and Whitby, 6 vol. new and elegant Bible, royal paper, printed by basker-ville, elegant, in russia blair's chronology brown's history of Jamaica, russia Hill's nat. hist. of animals, &c. russia Hill's herbal, plates coloured, russia temple of the muses, sine impression dugdale's warwick shire, russia dugdale's baronage of England Hackluyt's voyages, 3 vol. best edition Morant's history of Essex, l. p. russia Pocock's description of the east, 2 vol. Maitland's History of London Thoresby's leeds, russia Dodd's Bible, 3 vol. russia Quartos. Lucan, Strawberry-hill Russhead's statu's, 12 vol. elegant Boyle's works, russia extra Gibbon's Roman History, 6 vol. russia elegant Baskerville's addison, russia extra Bacon's works, russia Cooke's voyages Evelyn's Sylva, russia Pope's works, 5 vol. elegant Lock's works, 4 vol. elegant Blackstone's great charter, l. p. Drury's natural history, coloured ellis's natural history of coralines Harris's English insects, coloured Hume's history of England, plates Baskerville's classics, 7 vol. Virgillius edit. opt. Terentius Westerhovii, 2 tom]. T. Livius Drakenborch, 7 tom. Lucretiuis, Havercampi, 2 tom. Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientale, 4 tom. Encyclopedie, ou dictionnaire universel, 58 tom. avec les planches, coufu Which are selling very reasonable by shepperson and reynold bookselers and stationers, No. 137, Oxford-Street; who give the full value for libraries or parcels...

    Published 1793
    Online Access
    Electronic eBook
  4. 22344

    The transformation of American cities /

    Published 2015
    “…Opponents Take to the Streets /…”
    Full Text (via Internet Archive)
  5. 22345

    Night gallery. by Serling, Rod, 1924-1975

    Published 1971
    “…Messiah on Mott Street ;The…”
    Video DVD
  6. 22346

    Undoing homogeneity in the Nordic region : migration, difference and the politics of solidarity /

    Published 2019
    “…Bulgarian and Romanian street workers' experiences with aggressive public …”
    Full Text (via EBSCO)
    Electronic eBook
  7. 22347
  8. 22348

    Tibet : survival in question / by Donnet, Pierre-Antoine

    Published 1994
    “…the sky, blood in the streets…”
    Full Text (via Internet Archive)
  9. 22349

    Neoliberalism, Nordic Welfare States and Social Work : Current and Future Challenges /

    Published 2018
    “…with a stick? How Danish street-level workers transformed a Danish work-first …”
    Full Text (via Taylor & Francis)
  10. 22350

    Undoing homogeneity in the Nordic region : migration, difference and the politics of solidarity /

    Published 2019
    “…Bulgarian and Romanian street workers' experiences with aggressive public …”
    Full Text (via Taylor & Francis)
  11. 22351

    The urban design reader /

    Published 2013
    “…Great streets and city planning /…”
  12. 22352

    The Frugal Librarian : Thriving in Tough Economic Times /

    Published 2011
    “…Organizing in the streets and in the stacks : a grassroots movement …”
    Full Text (via ProQuest)
  13. 22353

    Spatial cognition VIII International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2012, Kloster Seeon, Germany, August 31-September 3, 2012, Proceedings /

    Published 2012
    “…Cities: Experiments at Street Corners /…”
    Full Text (via Springer)
    Electronic Conference Proceeding eBook
  14. 22354

    The crooner the Columbia years, 1928-1934.

    Published 1988
    “…On a street of dreams --…”
    CD Audio
  15. 22355

    100 menacing little murder stories /

    Published 1998
    “…Cobblestones of Saratoga Street /…”
  16. 22356

    I, Maya Plisetskaya /

    Published 2008
    “…The Dacha and Sretenka Street --…”
    Full Text (via De Gruyter)
  17. 22357
  18. 22358

    Explorations in urban design : an urban design research primer /

    Published 2014
    “…Explorations in generative street layouts /…”
  19. 22359

    The invisible bridge = El puente invisible / by Maia, Circe

    Published 2015
    “…Calle lateral = Side street --…”
  20. 22360

    [Hartke sheet music collection.

    Published 1899
    “…On the streets of Cairo /…”
    Patrons must make an appointment to view Lib Use Only items
    Musical Score
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