Search Results - Successors to G. Thorp,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Brownists 5
- Lord's Supper 4
- Baptism 3
- Catholic Church 2
- Church of Scotland 2
- Congregationalism 2
- Customs and practices 2
- Discipline 2
- Establishment and disestablishment 2
- Freedom of religion 2
- Idols and images 2
- Posture in worship 2
- Worship 2
- Campaigns 1
- Dissenters 1
- History 1
- Leipzig, Battle of, 1631 1
- Predestination 1
- Reconciliation 1
- Religious aspects 1
- Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 1
A most comfortable exposition of the last and most difficult part of the prophecie of Daniel from the 26. verse of the 11. chap, to the end of the 12. chapter. Wherin the restoring...
Published 1635“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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The doctrine of the synod of Dort and Arles, reduced to the practise With a consideration thereof, and representation with what sobriety it proceeds.
Published 1631“…Successors to G. Thorp,…”
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A iust and necessarie apologie of certain Christians, no lesse contumeliously then commonly called Brownists or Barrowists. By Mr. Iohn Robinson, pastor of the English Church at Le...
Published 1625“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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The opinion, judgement, and determination of two reverend, learned, and conformable divines of the Church of England, concerning bowing at the name, or naming of Jesus. The one som...
Published 1634“…successors of G. Thorp?],…”
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The curtaine of Church-povver and authoritie in things called indifferent Drawne and laid open, to shew the many infectious sores and maladies they bring in, and cover. Together wi...
Published 1632“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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Concerning the Holy Eucharist, and the popish breaden-god to the men of Rome, as well laiqves as cleriqves, by Thomas Tuke.
Published 1625“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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A defence of the doctrine propounded by the synode at Dort against Iohn Murton and his associates, in a treatise intituled; A description what God, &c. With the refutation of their...
Published 1624“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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A letter from Sarient Maior Forbes from the King of Swethens army to his reverend father Mr. Iohn Forbes, minister to the Worshipful Company of Marchant Adventurers residing in Del...
Published 1631“…Successors of G. Thorp,…”
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The opinion, judgement, and determination of two reverend, learned, and conformable divines of the Church of England, concerning bowing at the name, or naming of Jesus. The one som...
Published 1634“…successors of G. Thorp?],…”
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The doctrine of the synod of Dort and Arles, reduced to the practise With a consideration thereof, and representation with what sobriety it proceeds.
Published 1631“…Successors to G. Thorp,…”
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A iust and necessarie apologie of certain Christians, no lesse contumeliously then commonly called Brownists or Barrowists. By Mr. Iohn Robinson, pastor of the English Church at Le...
Published 1625“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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A declaration, of the reasons, moveing Don Emanuel, borne Prince of Portugall Haveing been heretofore a devotary, under the name of Pater Felix, in the Order of the Barefooted Carm...
Published 1634“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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A defence of the doctrine propounded by the Synode at Dort: against Iohn Murton and his associates, in a treatise intuled [sic]; A description what God, &c. ; With the refutation o...
Published 1624“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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An epistle of a Christian brother exhorting an other to keepe himselfe vndefiled from the present corruptions brought in to the ministration of the Lords Supper.
Published 1624“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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An arrovv against idolatrie Taken out of the quiver of the Lord of hosts. By H.A.
Published 1624“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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An exhortation of the particular kirks of Christ in Scotland to their sister kirk in Edinburgh
Published 1624“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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Cartain obseruations of that reuerend, religious and faithfull servant of God, and glorious martyr of Iesus Christ, Mr. Randal Bate, which were part of his daily meditations in the...
Published 1625“…By the successors of G. Thorp,…”
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A declaration, of the reasons, moveing Don Emanuel, borne Prince of Portugall Haveing been heretofore a devotary, under the name of Pater Felix, in the Order of the Barefooted Carm...
Published 1634“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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A defence of the doctrine propounded by the synode at Dort against Iohn Murton and his associates, in a treatise intituled; A description what God, &c. With the refutation of their...
Published 1624“…Successors of G. Thorp],…”
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An alarme to all Christian princes and states of the religion. Written immediatly vpon the first newes of the death of the King of Sweden of famous memory, and euer will be to all...
Published 1632“…Successors of G. Thorp?,…”
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Electronic eBook