Search Results - The miser.
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- History 209
- Christian life 62
- Politics and government 47
- Social life and customs 39
- Sermons, English 36
- Musicals 35
- Poor 34
- Ballads, English 33
- Ex-convicts 32
- Orphans 31
- Religious aspects 30
- Criticism and interpretation 29
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- Catechisms, English 26
- History and criticism 26
- Operas 26
- Conduct of life 23
- Slavery 23
- Sin 19
- iPhone (Smartphone) 19
- Church history 18
- Economic conditions 18
- Second Advent 18
- Working class 17
- Geology 16
- Protestants 16
- Conscience 15
- Executions and executioners 14
- Murder 14
- Police 14
Hospitals in communities of the late medieval Rhineland : houses of God, places for the sick /
Published 2023“…5 "For all miserable persons": Small and Extra-Urban Hospitals …”
Full Text (via Cambridge)
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Obras líricas y cómicas, divinas y humanas con la celestial ambrosìa del admirable poema sacro de María Santíssima ; ultimo suave divimo [sic] aliento de aquel canoro cisne ... /...
Published 1728“…Miser Palomo.…”
Microfilm Book -
The prymer in Englyshe, and Latyn wyth the Epystles and Gospelles: of euerye Sonday, [and] holye daye in the yere and also the exposycion vpon Miserere mei deus. wyth many other pr...
Published 1542“…Expositio in psalmos Misere me Deus. English.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The prymer in Englyshe, and Latyn wyth the Epystles and Gospelles: of euerye Sonday, [and] holye daye in the yere and also the exposycion vpon Miserere mei deus. wyth many other pr...
Published 1542“…Expositio in psalmos Misere me Deus. English.…”
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for new loans, and contributions, as well from the united Provinces of Holland, as from England and Wales, for the speedy relief of the miserable and distressed estate of the Protestants...
Published 1643Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Strange & bloody nevvs from Perin in Cornwall: or, A true and faithful relation of a horrible and unhumane murther, committed by father and mother, upon the body of their own son, that had been gone to sea twelve years. VVith the manner how he presented himself to his parents, as a poor distressed traveller, begging lodging for a night. As also what he related to the old people of his travels; and acquainting them with what jewels he had about him; for which they barbously murther him in his bed. An account how this murther was discovered by his sister, who dwelt in the town; to whom he had discovered himself first, appointing her to come the next day, to make merry with his parents. As also how his father and mother murthered themselves with the same knife; and the daughter dyed suddainly with grief, which was the miserable end of that family.
Published 1675Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The profitable intelligencer, communicating his knowledge for the generall good of the common-wealth and all posterity. Containing many rare secrets and experiments (having reference to a larger book) which being well observed, and industriously practised, according to the directions therein by all the inhabitants of England in generall, will recover the wealth of the kingdom now so miserably wasted by these unnaturall wars, and make...
Published 1644Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The second part of Appian of Alexandria wherin be contained so manie of the Romanes expeditions against forraine nations as haue bene defended from the spoyle of war or the decay of time and bin brought into light and come to our handes. That is to say: 1 Against Mithridates King of Pontus, with his miserable end. 2 Againste the Hiberians, nowe called...
Published 1578Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The virgins tragedy: or the faithful maiden, and the faithless young man. Being a true relation how a young man living in Westminster, fell in love with a maid which had two hundred pounds to her portion, several promises past betwixt them, and their love continued for the space of two years, at the end whereof, he appounted a day for marriage, but the day being come, he most disloyally cast her off and forsook her; whose unkindness struck so deep to the maidens heart, that she fell into swouning and distracted fits, and so miserable languisht for a fortnights time, & then dyed....
Published 1682Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for new loans, and contributions, as well from the united Provinces of Holland, as from England and Wales, for the speedy relief of the miserable and distressed estate of the Protestants...
Published 1643Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The profitable intelligencer, communicating his knowledge for the generall good of the common-wealth and all posterity. Containing many rare secrets and experiments (having reference to a larger book) which being well observed, and industriously practised, according to the directions therein by all the inhabitants of England in generall, will recover the wealth of the kingdom now so miserably wasted by these unnaturall wars, and make...
Published 1644Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Strange news from Stafford-shire; or, a dreadful example of divine justice Shown upon a young-man in that county, who having stolen a Bible, and being taxed therewith, fell to imprecating Gods judgements upon himself, wishing that his hands might rot off, and that he might rot alive if he touched it; which heavy judgement in a short time fell upon him, his hands and his arms rotting away, and his leggs from his body, he being not sick, yet appearing to all that see him the saddest spectacle that ever eyes beheld. This may warn others from wishing for judgements to fall upon them, when they know themselves guilty. This relation was given and attested by Mr. Vincent, Minister of Bednal, who discoursed with this miserable young-man, tune of, My bleeding heart, &c.
Published 1674Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Strange news from Stafford-shire; or, a dreadful example of divine justice Shown upon a young-man in that county, who having stolen a Bible, and being taxed therewith, fell to imprecating Gods judgements upon himself, wishing that his hands might rot off, and that he might rot alive if he touched it; which heavy judgement in a short time fell upon him, his hands and his arms rotting away, and his leggs from his body, he being not sick, yet appearing to all that see him the saddest spectacle that ever eyes beheld. This may warn others from wishing for judgements to fall upon them, when they know themselves guilty. This relation was given and attested by Mr. Vincent, Minister of Bednal, who discoursed with this miserable young-man, tune of, My bleeding heart, &c.
Published 1674Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The Norfolk wonder; or The maiden's trance Being a warning-piece to all wicked sinners to forsake their sins. Giving a true account of one Mary Lawrence, a servant girl, nineteen years of age. How she fell into three several trances on the 7th, 16th, and 24th of July last, as she was sitting among the family of Mr. John Drew, her master, living in the parish of Downham in Norfolk.--In which she saw, at several times, in a very particular manner. The joys and happiness of the righteous in the next world, and the miserable state of the wicked. Likewise, the several...
Published 1775Online Access
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