Search Results - The summe of severall sermons.
Five lessons for a Christian to learne, or, The summe of severall sermons setting out 1. the state...
Published 1650“…The summe of severall sermons.…”
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Five lessons for a Christian to learne, or, The summe of severall sermons setting out 1. the state...
Published 1650“…Summe of severall sermons.…”
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A cordiall for a fainting soule, or, Some essayes for the satisfaction of wounded spirits labouring under severall burthens in which severall cases of conscience most ordinary to Christians, especially in the beginning of their conversion, are resolved : being the summe of fourteen sermons, delivered in so many lectures...
Published 1649Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Microfilm Book -
A cordiall for a fainting soule, or, Some essayes for the satisfaction of wounded spirits labouring under severall burthens in which severall cases of conscience most ordinary to Christians, especially in the beginning of their conversion, are resolved : being the summe of fourteen sermons, delivered in so many lectures...
Published 1649Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The booke of lamentations; or Geennēlogia a treatise of hell Wherein is shewen, the nature of it; the place where it is, so farre as probably may be conjectured; the severall punishments of the damned therein, and aggravations of the same; the justice of God maintained in sending the wicked thither; with divers other things. As also. The booke of Genesis; or Genealogia. Christ's genealogie. Discussed as 'tis set downe by S. Matthew in the 1. ver. of his Gospel. Being the summe of two sermons, preached in the Cathedral Church...
Published 1639Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The booke of lamentations; or Geennēlogia a treatise of hell Wherein is shewen, the nature of it; the place where it is, so farre as probably may be conjectured; the severall punishments of the damned therein, and aggravations of the same; the justice of God maintained in sending the wicked thither; with divers other things. As also. The booke of Genesis; or Genealogia. Christ's genealogie. Discussed as 'tis set downe by S. Matthew in the 1. ver. of his Gospel. Being the summe of two sermons, preached in the Cathedral Church...
Published 1639Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The vvorkes of that learned minister of Gods holy VVord, Mr. VVilliam Pemble, Master of Art, and late of Magdalen Hall in Oxford Containing sundry treatises and expositions, before...
Published 1635Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The vvorkes of that learned minister of Gods holy VVord, Mr. VVilliam Pemble, Master of Art, and late of Magdalen Hall in Oxford Containing sundry treatises and expositions, before...
Published 1635Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The vvorkes of that learned minister of Gods holy VVord, Mr. VVilliam Pemble, Master of Art, and late of Magdalen Hall in Oxford Containing sundry treatises and expositions, before...
Published 1635Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The vvorkes of that learned minister of Gods holy VVord, Mr. VVilliam Pemble, Master of Art, and late of Magdalen Hall in Oxford Containing sundry treatises and expositions, before...
Published 1635Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook