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- Arithmetic 191
- Educational History 100
- Teaching Methods 81
- Vocational Education 77
- Foreign Countries 75
- Mathematics 75
- Legislative amendments 71
- Teacher Education 70
- Higher Education 67
- Public Schools 56
- Elementary Secondary Education 55
- School Buildings 51
- History 50
- Agricultural Education 48
- Educational Administration 47
- Rural Education 45
- Rural Schools 45
- Sanitation 44
- Hygiene 43
- Womens Education 43
- Curriculum 40
- High Schools 40
- Kindergarten 39
- Bibliographies 38
- Elementary Schools 37
- School Administration 34
- Child Welfare 33
- Religious Education 33
- African American Education 32
- Home Economics 32
Sir, having been advised by several very respectable aldermen and gentlemen of the Common Council of London, to petition that august body on behalf of the unfortunate sufferers by a late dreadful fire at Minehead The committee appointed to conduct an application to the public, take the liberty of requesting the favor, that whenever the question is brought before the court, you would be kind enough to use your charitable and humane endeavours for the relief of a number of unfortunate families, who have lost nearly the whole of what they possessed in the world, and would...
Published 1791Online Access
Electronic eBook -
At R. Montagu's book-warehouse, the General Post-Office, that end of Great Queen-Street, next Drury-Lane. Is a choice collection of valuable books in all faculties and parts of learning In English, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Frech, &c. Together with several rare manuscripts. Being two curious libraries lately purchased, the whole consisting of above five thousand volumes....
Published 1738Online Access
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The impostors : how Republicans quit governing and seized American politics /
Published 2020“…"We're Not Great at the Whole Governing Thing": Meet the Post-Policy Party …”
Book -
The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts I. Shewing the various and wonderful operations of the signs and planets, and other celestial constellations on the bodies of men, &c. II. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the body in health; with several choice receipts in physick and surgery. III. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmestry, together with the signification of moles, and interpretation of dreams, &c. IV. The farmer's kalender: containing, 1. Perpetual prognostications for weather. 2. The whole mystery of husbandry. 3. The compleat and experienc'd...
Published 1720Online Access
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Poor relief (Ireland) Return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 17 March 1843;--for, copies of the estimates for erecting each of the poor-houses now open in Ireland, approved of by the Poor Law Commissioners, and a return of the whole of the monies laid out upon each building;...
Published 1843Online Access
Electronic eBook -
A copious dictionary in three parts, I. The English before the Latin, enriched with about ten thousand words more then [sic] any former dictionary contains. II. The Latin before the English, with correct and plentiful observations, and phraseological explications. III. The proper names of persons, places and other things necessary to the understanding of historians and poets : to which are adjoined a table of authors names at large, which in this book are made use of, or mentioned, and also some lesser tractates : the whole being a comprisal of Thomasius and Rider's...
Published 1669Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
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Claims on France. Return to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 31st May 1821;--for, returns, specifying the claims for commercial, territorial, and funded property, which remain unexamined by the commissioners appointed under an act, passed in the 59th year of His Late Majesty's reign, intituled, "an act to enable certain commissioners to carry into effect several conventions for liquidating claims of British subjects against the government of France;" and that in said return the commissioners shall distinguish the claims estimated in assignats from those estimated in specie;--also, specifying the claims admitted, distinguishing the amount claimed from the amount awarded by the said commissioners; specifying also, the number and amount of the claims rejected;--also, of the whole of the balance remaining unpaid by the said...
Published 1821Online Access
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The happy future state of England, or, A discourse by way of a letter to the late Earl of Anglesey vindicating him from the reflections of an affidavit published by the House of Commons, ao. 1680, by occasion whereof observations are made concerning infamous witnesses : the said discourse likewise contains various political remarks and calculations referring to many parts of Christendom, with observations of the number of the people of England, and of its growth...
Published 1688Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Microfilm Book -
The gentleman's and builder's repository: or, Architecture display'd Containing the most useful and requisite problems in geometry. As also, the most easy, expeditious, and correct methods for attaining the knowledge of the five orders of architecture, by equal parts, and fewer divisions, than any thing hitherto published. Together with all such rules for arches, doors, windows cieling-pieces, chimney-pieces, and their particular embellishments, as can be required. Likewise, a large variety of designs for truss roofs; with the method of finding the hip, either square or bevel. Also, the most certain and approved methods of forming a number of different stair-cases, with their twisted rails, &c. The whole embellished, not only with fourscore plates,...
Published 1737Online Access
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The lady's, housewife's, and cookmaid's assistant: or, The art of cookery, explained and adapted to the meanest capacity. : Containing, I. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. II. Of made dishes. III. To make a number of pretty little dishes for a supper or side-...
Published 1769Patrons must make an appointment to view Lib Use Only items
Book -
The practice of courts-martial also the legal exposition and military explanation of the Mutiny Act and Articles of war : together with the crimes and sentences of numerous courts-martial, and the remarks thereupon by His Majesty, and the several commanders in-chief in the East-Indies, and on foreign stations, &c. : the whole forming a manual of the judicial and military...
Published 1825Full Text (via HeinOnline)
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The royal melody compleat: or The new harmony of Sion Containing I. A new and correct, introduction to the grounds of musick, rudimental, practical, and technical. II. A new and compleat body of church-musick, adapted to the most select portions of the Book of Psalms, of either version; with many fuging chorus's, &c. III. A new and select, number of hymns, anthems, and canons, suited to several occasions; and many of them never before printed: set by the greatest masters in the world. : The whole being composed in two, three, four, five, six,...
Published 1768Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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"A selected, pronouncing and accented dictionary Comprising a selection of the choicest words found in the best English authors. : Being an abridgement of the most useful dictionaries now extant; together with the addition, of a number of words now in vogue not found in any dictionary. : In which the definitions are concisely given, the words so divided as to lead to the preseut [i.e., present] mode of pronunciation, and by a typographical character, the sound of the vowels and accented syllables are distinctly pointed out; and the parts of speech noted & explained. : The whole made easy and familiar to children or youth,...
Published 1800Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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The happy future state of England, or, A discourse by way of a letter to the late Earl of Anglesey vindicating him from the reflections of an affidavit published by the House of Commons, ao. 1680, by occasion whereof observations are made concerning infamous witnesses : the said discourse likewise contains various political remarks and calculations referring to many parts of Christendom, with observations of the number of the people of England, and of its growth...
Published 1688Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook -
The happy future state of England, or, A discourse by way of a letter to the late Earl of Anglesey vindicating him from the reflections of an affidavit published by the House of Commons, ao. 1680, by occasion whereof observations are made concerning infamous witnesses : the said discourse likewise contains various political remarks and calculations referring to many parts of Christendom, with observations of the number of the people of England, and of its growth...
Published 2004Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic -
A copious dictionary in three parts, I. The English before the Latin, enriched with about ten thousand words more then [sic] any former dictionary contains. II. The Latin before the English, with correct and plentiful observations, and phraseological explications. III. The proper names of persons, places and other things necessary to the understanding of historians and poets : to which are adjoined a table of authors names at large, which in this book are made use of, or mentioned, and also some lesser tractates : the whole being a comprisal of Thomasius and Rider's...
Published 1669Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Electronic eBook