Search Results - Two coppies of letters.
From Scotland. Tvvo coppies of letters, the one sent from His Maiestie Aug. 31. to the Lord Keeper, and by him read uuto [sic] the Lords in Parliament. Wherein is contained foure r...
Published 1641“…Two coppies of letters.…”
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From Scotland. Tvvo coppies of letters, the one sent from His Maiestie Aug. 31. to the Lord Keeper, and by him read uuto [sic] the Lords in Parliament. Wherein is contained foure r...
Published 1641“…Two coppies of letters.…”
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The coppy of two letters from Sr. Thomas Rowe Lord Embassador...
Published 2004Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The coppy of two letters from Sr. Thomas Rowe Lord Embassador...
Published 1642Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The coppy of two letters from Sr. Thomas Rowe Lord Embassador...
Published 1642Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The coppie of a letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax his quarters...
Published 1645Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The coppie of a letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax his quarters...
Published 1645Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A true coppy of two severall letters sent by Mr. Richard...
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A true coppy of two severall letters sent by Mr. Richard...
Published 1648Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Three letters sent from Rome to some of the principall actors...
Published 1643Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Three letters sent from Rome to some of the principall actors...
Published 1643Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The Coppie of a letter sent from one of the queenes servants...
Published 1642Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The coppie of a letter written from the Lo. Viscount of...
Published 1642Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A true copy of two severall letters sent by Master Richard Osborne (late attendant to His Majesty in Carisbrooke Castle) touching a designe to poyson His Majesty. VVhich letters we...
Published 1648“…True coppy of two severall letters sent by Mr. Richard …”
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A true copy of two severall letters sent by Master Richard Osborne (late attendant to His Majesty in Carisbrooke Castle) touching a designe to poyson His Majesty. VVhich letters we...
Published 1648“…True coppy of two severall letters sent by Mr. Richard …”
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