Search Results - printed; and sold by J. Roberts,
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Politics and government 28
- History 21
- Debts, Public 20
- English poetry 11
- Commerce 10
- Foreign relations 8
- Sermons, English 7
- Description and travel 6
- Ethics 5
- Finance, Public 5
- Textile industry 5
- Wool industry 5
- Ballad operas 4
- Dissenters, Religious 4
- English literature 4
- Nobility 4
- Recruiting, enlistment, etc 4
- Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714 4
- Taxation 4
- Books 3
- Clergy 3
- Conduct of life 3
- Drainage 3
- English drama 3
- English fiction 3
- Kings and rulers 3
- Masturbation 3
- Missions 3
- Peace 3
- Psalmody 3
Observations on the sea- or pile-worms which have been lately discover'd to have made great ravages in the pile- or wood-works on the coast of Holland, &c. ... By Mr. Rousset, ......
Published 1733“…printed, and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Health, a poem Shewing how to procure, preserve, and restore it. To which is annex'd The doctor's decade. By Darby Dawne, M.D.
Published 1724“…printed and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Tom Thumb A tragedy. As it is acted at the theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Scriblerus Secundus.
Published 1730“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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A discourse to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. To which is annex'd, proposals for translating the whole works of Horace, with a specimen of the performance. By Leonard Wel...
Published 1727“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Health, a poem Shewing how to procure, preserve, and restore it. To which is annex'd the doctor's decade. By Edward Baynard, M.D.
Published 1730“…printed and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Harlequin-Hydaspes or, the Greshamite. A mock-opera. As it is perform'd at the theatre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields.
Published 1719“…printed, and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal ... By Mr. Philips.
Published 1723“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal ... By Mr. Philips. -- Eighteenth Century Collections Online
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The artful wife A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Taverner.
Published 1718“…printed for, and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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A collection of all the humorous letters in The London Journal
Published 1721“…printed and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Carmen seculare for the year 1735. To the King, on his going to Hanover.
Published 1735“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Tom Thumb A tragedy. As it is acted at the theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Scriblerus Secundus.
Published 1730“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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A city intrigue: or, the sick lady's cure. A poem With the comical adventure between Strephon and Sylvia.
Published 1714“…printed, and sold by J Roberts,…”
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Mr. Law's unlawfulness of the stage entertainment examin'd and the insufficiency of his arguments fully demonstrated. By S. Philomusus, M.A.
Published 1726“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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The two first odes of Horace imitated With an introductory epistle to a friend.
Published 1738“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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The signal or, a satyr against modesty.
Published 1727“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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A genuine narrative of all the street robberies committed since October last by James Dalton, and his accomplices, who are now in Newgate, ... To which is added a key to the cantin...
Published 1728“…printed, and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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The judgment of Dr. Prideaux in condemning the murder of Julius Caesar, by the conspirators, as a most villanous act, maintain'd: and the sophistry in the London journals of Decemb...
Published 1721“…printed, and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Considerations occasioned by the bill for enabling the South-Sea Company to increase their capital stock, &c. With observations of Mr. Law
Published 1720“…printed, and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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Ways and means whereby His Majesty may man His navy with ten thousand able sailors, on short notice, with less expence to the government than at present, and entirely to the benefi...
Published 1726“…printed, and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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An antidote: or some remarks upon A treatise on mercury. Endeavouring to shew that the danger therein asserted of taking it crude is not supported by facts or reason
Published 1732“…printed: and sold by J. Roberts,…”
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