Search Results - printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Almanacs, English 31
- History 24
- English poetry 19
- Politics and government 17
- Chapbooks, English 11
- Sermons, English 10
- English drama 8
- English fiction 8
- Intellectual life 7
- Almanacs, American 6
- English language 6
- English drama (Comedy) 5
- English drama (Tragedy) 5
- Excise tax 5
- Songs, English 5
- Agriculture 4
- Ballad operas 4
- Christian life 4
- Christianity 4
- English literature 4
- Jews 4
- Operas 4
- Trials, litigation, etc 4
- Anecdotes 3
- Children's songs 3
- Conduct of life 3
- Elections 3
- Elocution 3
- Handbooks, vade-mecums, etc 3
- Internal revenue 3
The beggar's opera as it is now acted by His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Gay.
Published 1750“…printed for, and sold by the booksellers, in town …”
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Love in a village; a comic opera As it is performed at the Theatres Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
Published 1785“…printed for and sold by the booksellers in town and …”
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He would be a soldier A comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Written by Frederic Philon.
Published 1790“…printed for and sold by the booksellers in town and …”
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The beggar's opera As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Gay.
Published 1769“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The beggar's opera As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Gay.
Published 1775“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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A compleat history of the whole proceedings of the Parliament of Great Britain, against Dr. Henry Sacheverell: with his tryal.
Published 1737“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The distrest mother A tragedy. By Mr. Amb. Philips.
Published 1730“…printed for, and sold by the booksellers of town and …”
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The life and reign of that excellent princess Queen Elizabeth from her birth to her death: with the whole proceedings of the divorce of King Henry VIII. from Queen Catherine; his m...
Published 1738“…printed, and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The royal sin: or, adultery rebuk'd in a great king Being a discourse from ... 2 Sam. xii. 7. deliver'd in the parish of St. Martin's, ... By J. T. D.D.
Published 1738“…printed, and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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Elizabeth Canning, drawn from the life as she stood at the bar to receive her sentence, in the Session's-House, in the Old-Bailey.
Published 1754“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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Invisibles, realities demonstrated in the holy life and triumphant death of Mr. John Janeway. ... By James Janeway.
Published 1780“…printed, and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The account of an appeal, from a summary conviction on the statute 22 Car. II. c. I. to the Hon. C-rt of K. B Wherein the effects of persecution and bigotry are disclosed, and the...
Published 1780“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The British heroine or, an abridgment of the life and adventures of Mrs. Christian Davis, commonly call'd Mother Ross; who, in the habit of a man, served as a foot-soldier and drag...
Published 1744“…printed, and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The pleasure and benefit of being religious, exemplified in the life of the late Revd. learned and pious Mr. John Reynolds
Published 1740“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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Seduction: or, the cause of injured innocence pleaded A poem, addressed to the author of the Villainy. With a preface, stating the melancholy, but authentic facts, on which the sub...
Published 1782“…printed, and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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Draught of an overture to the Associate Synod, relative to some historical mistakes alleged to be in the Act, declaration, and testimony answers, ... to Mr. Nairn's Reasons of diss...
Published 1755“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The alchymist a comedy first acted in the year 1610, by the King's Majesty's Servants : with the allowance of the Master of Revels /
Published 1680“…Printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The Christian poet, or divine poems on the four last things. ... Written by the Rev. Mr. Pomfret E. of Roscommon Mr. Norris, Mr. Westley, Dan. De Foe and others. To which is added,...
Published 1735“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England with collects and prayers for each solemnity. ... By Robert Nelson, Esq.
Published 1737“…printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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The doctrines of free grace, and imputed righteousness, asserted and vindicated, and all the opposers thereof scripturely [sic] confuted. Being an answer to a sermon preached by th...
Published 1778“…printed: and sold by the booksellers in town and country,…”
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