Search Results - printed by J. Johnson in Fleet-street,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Brigands and robbers 2
- Electricity in medicine 2
- Agriculture 1
- Chemistry 1
- Cinchona 1
- English fiction 1
- English language 1
- Fever 1
- Gardening 1
- Grammar 1
- History 1
- Hydrotherapy 1
- Mineral waters 1
- Motion 1
- Physicians 1
- Poor 1
- Population 1
- Poverty 1
- Young women 1
The ship-load of old scolding women, living near this place who are speedily to be banished from all civil societies, and transported to the heathen shore, for raising scandalous r...
Published 1715“…printed by J. Johnson in Fleet-street,…”
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A vindication of Richard Coxeter of Bampton in the county of Oxon Esq; from the unjust representations made against him by Mr. John Frederick. Wherein, the said representations are...
Published 1714“…Printed for J. Johnson in Fleet-Street, in the year,…”
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Observations on the superior efficacy of the red peruvian bark, in the cure of fevers Interspersed with occasional remarks on the treatment of other diseases by the same remedy. Fo...
Published 1783“…Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard, and …”
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Phytologia or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening. With the theory of draining morasses, and with an improved construction of the drill plough. By Erasmus Darwin, M.D. F.R....
Published 1800“…printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard; by …”
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An essay on the principle of population, or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness; : with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitiga...
Published 1803“…Printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, …”
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On the nature and occasion of Psalm and Prophecy, twelve critical dissertations. By James Hurdis, D.D. professor of poetry in the University of Oxford
Published 1800“…Printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, …”
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Syllabus of a course of lectures on chemistry and chemical manufactures. By A. and C.R. Aikin
Published 1799“…by J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-yard,…”
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An examination of the third and fourth definitions of the first book of Sir Isaac Newton's Princiria, and of the three axioms or laws of motion. By Robert Young
Published 1787“…Mall; J. Johnson, St. Paul's-Church-Yard; and J. Murray, …”
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The rudiments of English grammar adapted to the use of schools With examples of English composition. By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S.
Published 1786“…Printed for J. F. and C. Rivington and J. Johnson, …”
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A discourse on the duty of physicians; delivered at the anniversary of the Medical Society, on Thursday, January 18, 1776. By John Millar, M.D. Published by order of the society
Published 1776“…Printed for J. Johnson, No 72, St. Paul's Church Yard, …”
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The utility of medical electricity illustrated, in a series of cases, and practical observations tending to prove the superiority of vibrations to every other mode of applying the...
Published 1791“…court, Fleet-street, and sold by J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-…”
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The utility of medical electricity illustrated, in a series of cases, and practical observations Tending to prove the superiority of vibrations to every other mode of applying the...
Published 1791“…court, Fleet-street, and sold by J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-…”
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Where would be the harm of a speedy peace?
Published 1795“…also by J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard, and T. Chapman, …”
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An address to the public, from the Philanthropic Society Instituted in M.DCC.LXXXVIII, for the promotion of industry, and the reform of the criminal poor. To which are annexed, the...
Published 1791“…and Son, Fleet-street; J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard; J. …”
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The rogue or, The excellencie of history displayed, in the notorious life of that incomparable thief, Guzman de Alfarache, the witty Spaniard.
Published 1655“…Printed by J.C. for the author; and are to be sold …”
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The rogue or, The excellencie of history displayed, in the notorious life of that incomparable thief, Guzman de Alfarache, the witty Spaniard.
Published 1655“…Printed by J.C. for the author; and are to be sold …”
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Letters to a young lady, on a variety of useful and interesting subjects, calculated to improve the heart, to form the manners, and enlighten the understanding In two volumes: By t...
Published 1789“…Rivingtons, and J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard; T. Cadell, …”
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The trial of John Binns, deputy of the London Corresponding Society, for sedition Before Mr. Justice Ashhurst, at the assize held for the county of Warwick, on Saturday, August 12,...
Published 1797“…Symonds, Pater-noster Row; J. Ridgway, York-Street; J.S. Jordan, Fleet-street; …”
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Experiments and observations on the Malvern waters. The third edition, enlarged with an additional appendix Containing several remarkable histories of their effects, which came und...
Published 1763“…Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street; J. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown, St. …”
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A treatise on fevers in general, their nature and treatment On fevers in particular, as the intermittent and rheumatic fever, and their cure, by means absolutely new. On consumptio...
Published 1764“…St. Paul's Church-Yard; J. Pridden and W. Griffin, in Fleet-Street; G. …”
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