Search Results - printed for R. Minors,
An essay for the better regulation and improvement of free-thinking In a letter to a friend.
Published 1739“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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An essay for the better regulation and improvement of free-thinking In a letter to a friend.
Published 1739“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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A letter to a member of Parliament containing a proposal for bringing in a bill to revise, amend or repeal certain obsolete statutes, commonly called the ten commandments.
Published 1738“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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A letter to the Most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, concerning the validity of lay-baptism; and of the baptisms of those who never had episcopal baptism nor ordination
Published 1738“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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An essay on honour in several letters, lately published in the Miscellany. By Mr. Timothy Hooker. With a preface by R. Hooker, Esq.
Published 1741“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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A letter to a member of Parliament containing a proposal for bringing in a bill to revise, amend or repeal certain obsolete statutes, commonly called the ten commandments.
Published 1738“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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Truth. A counterpart to Mr. Pope's Essay on man epistle the first. By Mr. Ayre.
Published 1739“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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Truth. A counterpart to Mr. Pope's Essay on man. Epistle the first, ... By Mr. Ayre. -- Eighteenth Century Collections Online
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The benefit of school-discipline: being an answer to a late pamphlet, entitled, The shameful discipline of the schools exposed; or, whipping an improper punishment for youth. Where...
Published 1741“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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A letter to a Member of Parliament containing a proposal for bringing in a bill to revise, amend or repeal certain obsolete statutes, commonly called the Ten commandments.
Published 1738“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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A letter to a Member of Parliament containing a proposal for bringing in a bill to revise, amend or repeal certain obsolete statutes, commonly called the Ten commandments.
Published 1739“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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A letter to a Member of Parliament containing a proposal for bringing in a bill to revise, amend or repeal certain obsolete statutes, commonly called the Ten Commandments.
Published 1738“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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Free thoughts upon the brute-creation or, an examination of Father Bougeant's Philosophical amusement, &c. In two letters to a lady. By John Hildrop.
Published 1742“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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The contempt of the clergy considered In a letter to a friend. By an impartial hand.
Published 1739“…printed for R. Minors,…”
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The controversy concerning free-will, and predestination, set in a true light, and brought to a short issue. In a letter to a friend. The second edition. Recommended to Mr. Whitefi...
Published 1741“…printed for R. Minors, and by the booksellers of London …”
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A Commentary upon the second Psalm. By John Hildrop, A.M. rector of wath near Rippon in Yorkshire
Published 1742“…Printed for R. Minors, bookseller and stationer in …”
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A genealogical history of the Royal families of England from William the Conqueror to the present Royal grand children: ... Collected from Mr. Rapin, and other authentic historians...
Published 1753“…printed; and sold by R. Whitworth, R. Richards, W. …”
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A new political catechism for the present times. Very proper to be learned by every British subject, before he be brought to be confirm'd by a minister of state. To which is added,...
Published 1740“…Ten Commandments, sold by R. Minors,…”
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