Search Results - printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 59
- Politics and government 33
- Church and state 22
- Sermons, English 16
- Society of Friends 16
- Christian life 15
- English poetry 15
- Dissenters, Religious 12
- Kings and rulers 11
- English fiction 9
- Finance, Public 9
- Foreign relations 9
- Miracles 9
- Succession 8
- Conduct of life 7
- Dialogues, English 7
- Medicine 7
- Religious aspects 7
- Commerce 6
- Excise tax 6
- Hell 6
- Popish Plot, 1678 6
- Satire, English 6
- Clergy 5
- Debts, Public 5
- Economic conditions 5
- Murder 5
- Obstetrics 5
- Shorthand 5
- Swindlers and swindling 5
Original poems on several occasions By Mr. Edward-Pickering Rich.
Published 1721“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The knowledge of things unknown shewing the effects of the planets and other astronomical constellations. With the strange events that befall men, women, and children, born under t...
Published 1729“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The Monmouthshire address to Her Majesty
Published 1710“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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An argument proving that the design of employing and enobling foreigners is a treasonable conspiracy against the constitution, dangerous to the kingdom, an affront to the nobility...
Published 1717“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The whole duty of prayer containing devotions for every day in the week, and for several occasions, ordiany [sic] and extraordinray [sic]. By the author of The whole duty of man.
Published 1720“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The Caveat, an essay, upon incorporate mercantile bodies, and the reduction of interest by extra-judicial means
Published 1732“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The history of the rise and downfal of the Camisars giving an account of their false pretences to prophecy and inspiration, their brutish carnality, ... and their horrid devastatio...
Published 1709“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The caveat, an essay, upon incorporate mercantile bodies : and the reduction of interest by extrajudicial means.
Published 1732“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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An argument proving that the design of employing and enobling foreigners, is a treasonable conspiracy against the constitution, ... With an appendix; wherein an insolent pamphlet,...
Published 1717“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The history of Reynard the fox, and Reynardine his son. In two parts. ... Written by an eminent statesman of the German Empire
Published 1710“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The transactioneer, with some of his philosophical fancies in two dialogues.
Published 1700“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The priest turn'd poet: or, the best way of answering Dr. Sacheverel's sermon, preached at St. Paul's, Nov. the 5th. 1709. ... Being his discourse paraphras'd in burlesque rhime
Published 1709“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The secret history of Europe. Shewing that the late greatness of the French power was never so much owing to the number or goodness of their troops, ... as to the treachery and cor...
Published 1712“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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A letter to the curate of Stepney in answer to The would be bishop: or, lying dean.
Published 1709“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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An argument proving that the design of employing and enobling foreigners, is a treasonable conspiracy against the constitution, ... With an appendix; wherein an insolent pamphlet,...
Published 1717“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The works of the Right Honourable John Earl of Rochester Consisting of satires, songs, translations, and other occasional poems.
Published 1718“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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A discourse of friendship In three books. Translated from the French.
Published 1707“…printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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The most renowned history of the invincible Pericles of Greece ... Containing his many strange and wonderfull adventures.
Published 1715“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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Youth's divine pastime Containing forty remarkable scripture histories turned into English verse. ... In two parts. Part I.
Published 1720“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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Youth's divine pastime. Part. II Containing near forty more remarkable scripture histories, ... By R.B. author of the first part.
Published 1720“…Printed for the booksellers of London and Westminster,…”
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