Penal law of the State of New York, being chapter 88 of the laws of 1909, as amended by the laws of ..., with notes, forms and index / edited by Amasa J. Parker, Jr.

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Bibliographic Details
Previous Title:New York (State). Penal code of the State of New York.
Corporate Author: New York (State)
Other Authors: Parker, Amasa J. (Amasa Junius), 1869-1928
Other title:Laws, etc.
Penal code of the State of New York.
New York code of criminal procedure.
Parker's New York Code criminal & penal code annotated.
The code of criminal procedure of the state of New York.
Format: Serial
Published: New York : The Banks Law Pub. Co., 1909-21.

Law Library - Storage

Holdings details from Law Library - Storage
Call Number: KFN6155 .A29
KFN6155 .A29 (1881-1909) Restricted


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KFN6155 .A29 (1881-1910) Restricted


The following works are all found in the book indicated by the call number above.